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Updated: Oct 11, 2023

I've been thinking a lot lately about the chemical that's hit the drug addled streets of Philadelphia, among other areas. A chemical named "Tranq". A horse tranquilizer that is being mixed with Fentanyl, and is spreading fast. This drug makes people act so similarly to zombie behavior, and movement that it's very unnerving, and surreal to observe. If their flesh is decaying that rapidly, what is it doing to their brains? Remember the old commercials with the guy breaking an egg in a frying pan to simulate doing drugs? What would the current equivalent be for Tranq? People keep taking it, even though they can see evidence that it will destroy them mentally, and physically. It sounds unreal until you think of how people have been doing this kind of thing forever. Consuming chemicals with clear evidence of eventual self-damage/destruction. So the question that I keep asking myself is, if the zombie apocalypse truly occurs, will it be because of an invasive virus, or a drug that people take to escape reality? It won't be people running around, and biting each other. It will be people shuffling around and luring each other into it, while aided by a densely hopeless environment. I think about how people on crack are having babies, and have been doing so for decades. Each generation devastatingly effected at a genetic level by the generation before it. Will that start happening with Tranq? Given human behavior, I don't see how that could be avoided. Over the years, the zombification of the world may slowly erode the gene pool. In thirty years, will mothers realize that their child is addicted to tranq when the kid's finger falls off, or they notice a huge part of their leg has wasted away? Will children be born with a new wasting disease? As each generation folds into the next, will there come a tipping point, when there are more zombified people than those without a legacy of tranq induced birth defects? Sounds too crazy to be real, right?

I remember a time not too long ago when things got real crazy. Right before the Covid lockdowns. I was going into a grocery store to buy whatever toilet paper, and water that I could get my hands on. People were everywhere. Squished together in the store aisles, terrified of each other. As I neared the registers, which had at least 10 carts in each lane, which there were about 10. So 100 carts with people all pressed together, trying to get out. There was a man standing there with his cart, with this really confused look on his face. He looked at me, and said "I don't know what to do." I looked at him, and said "Well, we gotta make a move.", and then I moved forward, pretending like I wasn't about to have a heart attack. The tension was so thick. I could feel it coming off of people in waves. That night I went to bed in tears for the future of the world, a unique experience for sure.

I just have a feeling that this will happen slowly. Too slow for people to actually do enough to stop it. Kind of like an anaconda.


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