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Training camp rocks!
Nandor is very fond of his time at training camp. You can see why. Its important to get enough rest!

A cool cat
If aliens attack the earth, having a support animal is very helpful... apparently. Frodo the cat is always calm, way too calm in my...

Claire is very consistent
Everyone knows that Claire is very consistent in a crisis, and why is that cat so calm?! What is he hiding? Maybe a little Chiba?

Cravensworth The Hunter.
Does hunting humans even really count as hunting? According to Cravensworth The Hunter, yes, yes it does. Hunting Jeff Suckler through...

Behind The Blindside's Behinds
Laszlo Cravensworth, and Adam Demamp are an expert team of reporters. Getting into the cracks, and crevices of the truth is their...

Wet, and wild
As the Jersey Devil awaits on shore, Laszlo enjoys a moment of wet, and wild fun. Go for the testicles!

The importance of self-care
When you're on a death-march through the wasteland, it's helpful to have someone around to remind one of the importance of self-care.

Destroy the Abominations
Nandor keeps getting caught up in different cults. This time it's The Brotherhood of Steel.

Brotherhood of Shadows
Being a Knight of the Brotherhood of Steel isn't all it's cracked up to be. Especially with Guillermo as your squire. I don't think a...

Too man old men, or not enough?
Nandor is having a problem. His old familiars keep showing up after 30 years. Should he try to drop them off somewhere farther than Delaware

The Braj Academy
With Tezinald Walkergreves leading this fierce group of interdimensional warriors, no threat is too loose for The Braj Academy.

The Termidate Cleanse!
Let's face it. Everyone was underwhelmed by the ending of Umbrella Academy. Luckily, in another timeline/dimension/whatever, the actual...

Rings of Power
Have you seen the new show "Rings of Power" on Amazon Prime? I keep recognizing people from other shows. Do you see anyone familiar? You may

First there was Half Baked...
First there was Half Baked. Then there was Half Staked. Now is the time for Half Drunk. This was inspired by Boris Nemets. Two birds of a...

Hamstering 2: The New Class
Sometimes I get a glimpse into the future. This is one of those times.😁 Laszlo Cravensworth, Colin Robinson, and Adam Demamp are finally...

Nadja's Box
Get in the box Magic Blake! Get in the box! Nadja is clearly getting desperate to find an act to replace Baby Colin. I have a feeling this i

Gizmo's first try
Very few people are aware of Guillermo's first attempt to become a vampire without Nandor's help. Going to Gary "Ghostman" Golstman is a...

Blake's uncle is here to fight his battle for him.
Blake has a habit of calling his uncles to fight his battles for him. This time, it's The Baron. Who will Blake call next?

Adolpho is a very, very dirty dog!
He seems a little less furry than usual, right? Sean knows a dirty dog when he sees it, and Adolpho is not very subtle.

Doughnut Holes
It looks like Laszlo is moving in on the doughnut lady. How can Hazel compete with such intelligence, wisdom, and wit?
Meme Gallery
Meme Gallery
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